source. The circuit is built around a famous NE555 IC which is a low cost IC and can be easily found at your local electronics store.
In this circuit the 555 Timer IC is connected as a astable multivibator and a 12 volt relay is derived through the pin 3 of the IC. The IC generates continues pulses at pin 3 which will activate and deactivate or flash the relay accordingly. The flashing rate per second can be controlled by the 100K variable resistor.
The circuit can be operated with 6, 9 or 12V DC but make sure to use the same voltage relay when operating with 6 or 9 volts. . In the place of load you can connect any appliance which you want to ON and OFF.

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Here is a very simple and useful schematic of a relay flasher circuit. The circuit can perform variety of flashing tasks for example it can be used as a car or motorcycle brake light flasher, headlight flasher, lamp flasher circuit, LED flasher circuit and able to continuously flash or ON and OFF any AC or DC

Relay Flasher Or Blinker Circuit Schematic