great built in features which makes it ideal to use as a fixed and variable voltage regulated power supply for variety of purposes in electronics.
Moreover the IC is also very low in prices and available almost at every electronics shop, due to which you can easily get it.
The output current of the IC is 1.5A but in this circuit we have used a power transistor 2N3055 to increase the output current to 5 ampere. The output voltage of the circuit is from 1.2 to 24V and you can adjust this voltage with the help of 5K potentiometer. You can also use 5K variable resistor in the place of 5K pot if desired. The transformer can be a 110 or 220 to 24 volt with 5 to 10 ampere current ratings. The transistor and IC will heatup during operation due to which they should be properly heatsinked.
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