supply or we can also say it capacitor supply. The 12V 1watt zener diode steps down the voltage to 12V to operate the circuit. The second part of the circuit is a dark sensor using an LDR, transistor and a 100K variable resistor to adjust the sensitivity. The third part of the circuit is built around a 555 timer IC. The IC provides continuously pulses at its output pin 3.

The working of the circuit is simple when there is not enough light on the surface of the LDR the transistor Q1 conduct and activates the 555 timer IC. The 555 timer IC provides continuous pulses to the transistor due to which the transistor goes ON and OFF continuously and hence the triac. Due to which the fluorescent lamp starts flashing. The 100K resistor with the 555 timer IC is used to adjust the flashing speed of the fluorescent lamp.

The circuit is directly connected with the mains supply, therefore do not touch any components or wire when it is powered and adjust the variable resistors with a wooden screwdriver or when the circuit is not connected with the mains.

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This dark activated fluorescent lamp flasher circuit automatically activate in dark or at night and turns off at morning or in light. The circuit can be used as a visual indicator for many purposes and can be seen from distance. It can be divided in to three parts. The first part is a transformer less power
Dark Activated Fluorescent Lamp Flasher Circuit Diagram