The schematic shown here is a project of a simple 230V bulb or lamp flasher circuit. The circuit is using few low cost components. It is directly connected with the mains through a capacitor supply and not using any transformer. The 330nF capacitor drops the 230V of AC mains; this dropped voltage rectifies by
the 1N4007 diodes bridge and filtered through the 330uF capacitor. A 12V 1watt zener diode steps down the voltage coming from the capacitor power supply to operate the bulb flasher circuit.

The bulb flasher circuit is built around a 555 timer IC that is working as an astable multivibrator in the circuit. The triac 8T44A is derived through a 2N3904 transistor. Any similar transistor and triac will work here. The flashing speed can be controlled by adjusting the 100K variable resistor.

The circuit is directly connected with the mains supply, therefore do not touch any component or wire when it is powered. 

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230V Bulb / Lamp Flasher Using 555